Coachella 2018 Fashion Inspirations

Every year the Coachella concert is such a big deal in the fashion circle. And now, the heat of Coachella 2018 surrounds the US The warm weather and the sexy outfits of the celebrities in attendance make our hearts burn even before the music show opens! As always, we look forward to seeing the looks of the Coachella trendsetter as […]

Things to consider before adopting a Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are loving pets. They are small enough that you can hug them. They are very alert and make an excellent watchdog. All dog lovers would love to have a Chihuahua as a pet. But before getting one for yourself, there are a few things to consider before adopting a Chihuahua. There are a few things to check before adopting […]

Polybutylene pipes or blue polyethylene problems

From about 1978 to 1995, polybutylene pipes more commonly known as “poly blue” were commonly used for water lines. It was inexpensive and inexpensive to install, and was considered the “best alternative” as a replacement for copper plumbing in homes and businesses. You see it most often in the southern and western states of the US, what they call the […]

Star Wars Special: Public Relations Lessons from the Jedi Masters

Since its inception in 1977, the Star Wars narratives have accumulated a large following. By adopting a transmedia strategy, he has provided his fandom with a truly immersive experience that spawned a unique subculture. While many look to the film franchise for childhood reminiscences and fast-paced plot constructions, some of us discovered enlightening public relations advice from Yoda and Obi-Wan […]

Unusual Chili Recipes: 4 Wacky But Wonderful Chili Foods

In the mood for chili, but tired of the same bean chili you’ve tried countless times? Well. It’s time to change things up a bit and try something different to excite your palate. Here are four unique chili recipes that will give your chili cravings that much-needed variety. => Mexican Chili Squash The sweet, earthy flavor of pumpkin takes this […]