Three blows against angels: four good limbs, six limbs, I don’t think so

Angels seem to have six limbs: arms, legs Y at. Whatever they are, they are probably not vertebrates, that is, animals like us with a spinal cord encased in a spinal column. A superfluity of appendages No living or fossil vertebrate has more than four limbs. Whales and snakes, among others, have abandoned some or all of the outer limbs, […]

What about those lousy “pregnancy over 40” statistics? I was 44 when I had my beautiful daughter

Well I know you’ve heard it all before, pregnancy statistics over 40 are lousy. As far as I’m concerned, statistics are for statisticians. What about the fact that the number of unwanted pregnancies in women between 40 and 44 is second only to teenagers? Many women in their 40s think they are too old to get pregnant, they relax a […]

Know About The Kamagra Store – Why People Choose Kamagra?

Know About The Kamagra Store – Why People Choose Kamagra?: The Kamagra store is a major tourist attraction in the city of Hyderabad in India. This small shopping mall offers a variety of consumer products as well as other related services. The store has been open for almost fourteen years now and has become quite popular among the people. Many […]

How to spot a narcissist

Narcissists can be seductive and charismatic. In fact, one study showed that her pleasant appearance was only penetrable after seven meetings. But you don’t want to fall in love with one. Over time, you can end up feeling ignored, neglected, and unimportant. Typically, a narcissist’s criticism, demands, and emotional unavailability increase, while his confidence and self-esteem decrease. You will try […]

Who needs a partner?

Who needs a partner? We all do. Humans are social animals. Unconsciously we long for company. What we cannot get from our fellow humans, we get from our “pets.” But in reality, our “pets” are defined in terms of cats and dogs. It is difficult to hug an iguana, a spider or a snake. Humans domesticated dogs thousands of years […]

Do you know what lives under your mobile home?

Do you know what’s under your mobile home? If you are lucky and your entire mobile home rests on a concrete slab, this does not concern you. But what if your mobile home is sitting on the ground or half on concrete and half on concrete? Keep reading. What is living under your mobile home? Did you know that there […]

Upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10: a step-by-step guide

A step by step guide If you are looking to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 for your home or business, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed. Without worries. We are here to help. You can perform the update task using the Media Creation Tool, available for Windows 7 and any device running Windows 8.1. You will need to […]

San Francisco 49ers’ worst three seasons should cheer for their fans

When will the San Francisco 49ers find gold again? After capturing five Super Bowl championships (1981, 1984, 1988, 1989, 1994), the 49ers have struggled to return to the “big show” again. Since their last NFL title, they have earned playoff spots for seven seasons. That has included three division titles and two NFC championship games. If you are bummed by […]

Frozen: Keep it in or let it go?

I saw the movie Frozen again recently. It’s a vivid, delicious, and tender demonstration of the limits (and dangers) of thinking about one or the other and the beauty and power of shifting to a mindset of both. The benefits of thinking and thinking are most apparent when problems are complex and stakeholders seek long-term sustainable solutions. It is the […]

What to say and what not to say at your company’s Christmas party

Yes, it is that time of year again, when companies around the world become more festive than ever, with Christmas music throughout the buildings, dazzling decorations, and of course a huge party to celebrate the season. During these holidays, you will surely participate in conversations with your colleagues. What an opportunity this gives you to bond with newcomers and to […]