5 steps to increase your physical activity

Physical activity is part of the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity does not only mean maintaining a regulated exercise routine. There are many ways you can add exercise to your day so you can reap the benefits without breaking a sweat. If you prefer a strenuous workout, that’s great too! Just know that even getting up from your […]

7 tips to help you buy a great sofa

Buying a sofa or armchair is not a small investment. Since this piece of furniture will stay with you for decades, be sure to consider a few important factors before purchasing one. Although everyone has their own style preferences, some factors should be considered no matter who buys this item. Below are some important things to consider before making this […]

Does hunger really help you lose weight and get fit?

One of the most popular weight loss myths is that by starving yourself, you would lose weight quickly and become slim and fit! People, especially those who are new to weight loss, believe that if they starve non-stop for several weeks, all their pounds will disappear and they can go back to eating junk food. In the weight loss industry, […]

Women Writers – What Should You Wear to a Book Talk?

Writers can be eccentric with their clothes. An author in my hometown wears hats to stand out from the crowd. I don’t wear hats, and after more than 30 years of writing, I’ve established my own dress code. If I had to summarize the code in two words it would be conservative and comfortable. Conservative doesn’t have to be boring, […]