Recession slows construction in downtown Calgary

In the not too distant past, construction cranes used to be a ubiquitous sight in Calgary. During the real estate boom, some six million square feet of space was added to the downtown Calgary office market. Now, most of the cranes have gone downtown as the construction rush has subsided, at least for now. The economic downturn has hampered or […]

Introduction to Basketball

Basketball Basketball is a sport played between two teams that usually consists of five or more players. Each team has five players on the basketball court at any given time. The object is to score more points than the other team, and points are earned by shooting a ball through a basketball hoop (or basket), which is ten feet above […]

Why Las Vegas is the ultimate vacation destination for fun and entertainment

Las Vegas is fun and exciting. The entertainment offered is second to none. Many long-time visitors to Las Vegas would argue that it is the ultimate vacation destination. So if you’re looking for that vacation destination that offers limitless options, Las Vegas is for you. It’s a fun and vibrant extravaganza of food, entertainment, and comfort. Only in Las Vegas […]

The 7 most common mistakes when starting an online business

Anatomy of a business failure “So what is your unique selling proposition?” I asked Janet, an acquaintance of mine. “What do you mean USP?” was the bewildered response I got from Janet. Janet was at this stage giving me the deer in the lighthouse look. “You see that every offline and online business must have a USP or Unique Selling […]

3 Wise Tips for Winning High Bid at Storage Auctions

There are so many opportunities to turn a dollar into many if you keep your eyes and heart open. Specifically, you can raise some extra cash for any immediate needs you have by attending storage auctions. The success you enjoy will depend on how well you know the ins and outs of selling. The companies that run these auctions run […]

Advantages of granite kitchen countertops

Created by nature and designed by man, granite kitchen countertops are a beautiful, durable and cost-effective option for kitchens and bathrooms. The term granite comes from the Latin root granum, which means “grain”. Granite is often imported from Europe, Africa, Brazil, and other natural stone-rich regions of the world. Granite is an attractive natural stone that will add color and […]

What you need to know before replacing your car windshield

While you may not initially think about it, replacing your car’s windshield is a very large task that can become complicated and overwhelming very quickly. There are a number of questions to ask yourself before choosing to replace your windshield, many of which can drastically alter the outcome of the job. By understanding what goes into the replacement process, you […]

8 Sources for Researching Awesome Article Topics

Writing articles is by far the most effective online promotion strategy I have come across. If you can write good, readable and original content, you can easily put yourself far ahead of the pack in your field of interest. But article marketers and new article writers often don’t know what topics to write about. Finding topics that appeal to your […]

Live without a migraine for two years

I hadn’t had a migraine in almost two years, until this weekend when I went camping with the scouts in Lost Valley. The pain was severe and the bone-chilling cold weather made my head pound so badly that I couldn’t participate in many activities. I decided to take the time to reflect on what triggered this migraine after two years […]

Why you should eat a plant-centric diet

Plant-focused diets range from eating only plants to diets that include some meats and animal products. Here are some of the many you can follow: vegan… is at the end only plants end of the spectrum. Vegans eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains. But they exclude all animal foods from their diet… these include meat, poultry, shellfish, […]