Virgin PTFE Teflon and Mechanical Grades, What’s the Difference?

There is often some confusion about the difference between the most common grades of PTFE, often called Teflon: virgin grade and mechanical or reprocessed grade. This information will help you understand these two types and their different applications and thus save your time in researching the information. material and applications PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) is a type of plastic better known by […]

One disadvantage of using Metamucil for weight loss

Metamucil only has one real drawback when it comes to weight loss or management. As a fiber supplement, Metamucil is exceptional. It is an excellent way to add necessary fiber to the diet. One heaping tablespoon of Metamucil with real sugar provides 3 grams of dietary fiber. Recommended usage is generally one heaping tablespoon up to three times a day, […]

10 Ways to Improve Family Law Courts

The current model responsible for governing family law courts is extremely outdated and archaic. It abides by a 1950s chauvinistic view of marriage and parenthood. Men are expected to be robotic and emotional, while women are expected to take care of the home and children. The women now work. The economy is in shambles, while even those without the burden […]

Which Countries Allow Online Gambling?

Countries Allow Online Gambling While most countries have some sort of gambling law, others have an outright ban on online casinos. Ecuador, for example, has banned all forms of gambling and will not allow any of its citizens to play online games. This ban is not likely to change anytime soon, however, because the country is committed to protecting its […]