50/50 joint custody: the schedules 2-2-5-5 and 3-4-4-3

The 2-2-5-5 and 3-4-4-3 schedules are very similar to each other and choosing one over the other really comes down to personal preference. I’m going to explain how each of the schedules works, the particular benefits of each, and then the things to keep in mind when looking at these two schedules. Custody hours 2-2-5-5: This schedule is more difficult […]

Weight loss during pregnancy: methods and misconceptions

Losing weight during pregnancy, or at least paying attention to managing your weight, is important because this is a time when many pregnant women are going through some major changes that can cause them to gain weight quickly. Losing weight during pregnancy through any form of reduced-calorie diet is usually not a good idea. If you are significantly overweight (generally […]

Racquetball – Is it time for a change?

How do we get more people to play the game? How do we get more people (non-gamers and gamers) to watch the game? The two biggest dilemmas facing each other in racquetball. I have watched the evolution of the sport from the point of view of owning a racket club for twenty-nine years and have seen the dynamic improvement in […]

Why Online Gambling is Bad

Gambling If you’re wondering why online gambling is bad, consider the following reasons. The gambling industry has a long track record of cheating the system and ripping off people. This is especially true with regard to children. Even though casinos won’t intentionally target minors, there is still a real danger of letting kids play gambling games, including if their parents’ […]