Doctor, why can’t I lose weight and by the way, why do I feel bad?

Doctor, why can’t I lose weight and by the way, why do I feel bad? This is the number one question heard in my office and in doctors’ offices across the United States. There is a strong relationship between weight gain, difficulty losing weight, and discomfort. Candida Albicans, an opportunistic fungus, is often the link between weight gain, feeling sick, […]

Top-down vs. bottom-up: What’s the best way to set goals?

Everyone needs goals. As an IT leader, it will be your responsibility to help your team set individual and team goals. Although this sounds simple enough at first, in practice it is often a bit tricky. The most important question you will have to answer is how you want to set goals: top-down or bottom-up? The top down approach Say […]

Overcoming the 3 worst fears of writing contracts in real estate investments

Contract drafting is a paralyzing fear in real estate investing for investors buying or selling property. The usual thinking is that if the investor misses something very important, the deal will be lost, they may be liable for large sums of money if the deal doesn’t work out, or they will be doing something illegal and they won’t even know […]