PayPal Business Opportunities

A PayPal business opportunity can be the ticket to full or partial income. Almost everyone has heard of PayPal. However, what most people don’t know about are the PayPal Merchant Opportunities available online. Millions of subscribers use PayPal regularly. Merchants stand to gain the most from using PayPal, as it will save them expenses on accepting payments and increase their […]

Central Banks, Financial System and Money Creation (and Deficit)

In the market economy, the financial system delivers money from positive savers (ie, depositors) to negative savers (ie, cash-strapped people who need loans to buy property, etc.). In addition, financial systems facilitate non-cash payments. of natural or legal persons. The financial system has by law the monopoly of services. Only banks can accept deposits, only insurance companies can provide insurance […]

COOL HATS is NOT a slang term, a COOL HAT keeps your head cool which also keeps your body cool

COOL HATS Kevin Pringle’s mother came up with this idea in 1999, tried to develop and market it, but things just weren’t right at the time. She put the idea aside until her son entered a class at the university that showed her how to market them. She has been trying to get it going for about two months now, […]

How to find a cheap pellet stove

Recently, quite a few visitors have come to my website using the search phrase “cheap pellet stove”. There is no article to help you find a cheap pellet stove, so I searched and came up with these suggestions for quality, inexpensive stoves from reputable manufacturers. The first stove that comes to mind is the PelPro model HHPP2BD wood pellet stove. […]

Solar LED Lights – Eco-friendly and economical lighting option for all homes and commercial units

Today, traditional fluorescent or halogen lamps and bulbs face stiff competition from solar LED lights. And why not, solar lights have proven to be a potential energy saver allowing people to save money on monthly electric bill. Solar light bulbs use the energy of the sun to illuminate internal and external parts of houses, offices, factories, transit areas, streets, car […]