Simple ways to increase the loading speed of your blog

Let me throw in a question before I get started on the topic. Will it stay on a webpage if it loads for more than a minute? I’m sure most of you will close the page and move on to another one instead of waiting for it to load. This type of loss of visitors can really affect the blog […]

Steamy cunnilingus: lick and send her to orgasm paradise

What is cunnilingus? Performing cunnilingus is going down on your woman and giving her oral sex. It is one of the best forms of sexual activity as it is highly stimulating and ideal for helping your partner achieve mind-blowing orgasms, if you do it right. To give your girl some good cunnilingus, you must first get her in the mood […]

All aboard the Workout Express!

We live in a society where time is ticking where the stakes for professional success, being admired socially and being in good physical shape are always present. These goals do NOT have to be mutually exclusive, as modern moms can have our proverbial cake and eat it too, particularly when it comes to fitness! As? The key is to optimize […]

A brief introduction to translation

In his essay entitled “Miseria y esplendor de la traducción”, published for the first time in 1937 in the Buenos Aires newspaper La Nación, José Ortega y Gasset said that translating “is undoubtedly a utopia”, which according to him is due to that “human efforts are unfeasible. Man’s destiny -privilege and honor- is never to achieve what he sets out […]