The Telephone – A Brief History

During the 1870s, two renowned inventors independently designed devices that could transmit sound through electrical wires. Those inventors were Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray. Both devices were registered with the patent office within a few hours of each other. A bitter legal battle over the invention of the telephone followed, which Bell subsequently won. The telegraph and the telephone […]

bulk cable

There are many different types of cables that are sold at hardware and computer stores. Some of the cables for sale can be enormous lengths just by looking at the way they are coiled and how big the coiled cable is. If each end of the cable has 4 strands of twisted pair in the jacket, the cable is most […]

Land Profit Generator Review

Jack Bosch has changed the name of his successful Land Profit Formula course to the Land Profit Generator. Besides the catchy new name, what’s new? Is it worth getting the program? Find out in this short review. The LPF home study course was first launched in September 2008, and the launch was a landmark launch for any real estate information […]

Top 4 pieces your Resto Druid MUST have

For starters, you’ll most likely have access to all of the Heroic dungeons early on, at least until you get some decent parts and can start joining the Trial of the Crusader and Icecrown Citadel raids. Your main goal will be to collect enough Emblems of Triumph to be able to buy as much as you can, as well as […]

Communities That Attract Retirees

In 2008, the North Carolina General Assembly created a Community Certified Retirement Program to be administered by the North Carolina Department of Commerce. This is a community development program for those towns that want to attract retirees to their area as an economic and community development strategy. The program designates a town with the quality of life desired by the […]

Domain Name Appraisals: Are They Worth the Cost?

Have you ever thought about appraising one of your registered domain names, because you were considering selling it and wanted to know what the fair price would be? Maybe you’re just curious about how much your domain is worth? Did the high fees for itemized appraisal services put you off or are you still considering it? Here’s a simple fact: […]

Up in Alabama (1844, short story)

((Summer 1844)(story from the book “Old Josh, in: Poor Black”)) Enrique Tapia arrived in Ozark, Alabama in 1844 from Lima, Peru; he bought a restaurant from old Ritt, the town banker; Enrique was a guy of medium height, with a big belly, clean shaven and big hands. He was a good cook, but he didn’t look much like a cook […]

3 Advantages of Buying a Car at a Government Auto Auction

If you’re seriously considering going to a government auto auction to purchase a vehicle, you’ve taken the first step. If you’re still not convinced auctions are right for you, read the information below to learn three benefits of buying a vehicle at a government auto auction. big savings It is not a revelation that buying a car is expensive. Even […]

4 key considerations for every social media marketing campaign

Throughout my career, I have developed and outlined numerous internal company processes, policies and strategy documents. With experience and practice, it became clear that a process cannot withstand time and changes if it is not scalable and replicable. The same principles hold true for a social media marketing strategy; it must be a process that can adapt to growth over […]

The 2 types of reading systems available to teach your child to read and the advantages and disadvantages of each

A reading system is an ideal tool for teaching your child to read. Essentially, this is a system that has been specifically formulated and used to teach a child to read. It’s helpful because he’ll take into account and fix any problems she might encounter, and more specifically, he doesn’t have to figure anything out himself. However, not all reading […]