7 pros and cons of doing penis exercises to enlarge your penis (learn the truth BEFORE you start)

Interested in doing penis exercises to enlarge your penis? You are? Good to Know! The reason is because this is basically the ONLY natural method that really works. This method works because it is based on science … and not on stupid tricks that do nothing but damage a man’s penis. With that said, if you want to get started […]

SAT Tips – 5 Most Awesome SAT Tips

The SAT is a challenging experience. Read this article to find 5 great tips to help you prepare for the SAT! 1. Don’t overcrowd All right, it’s Friday night and tomorrow you’re taking the SAT – time to have an energy drink and open the prep book you bought four months ago, right? Wrong. Studies have shown that cramming is […]

The cloud platform

Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon to the clear blue there, through and beyond the clouds. Do you think you would like to float on a cloud? How about “Pennies from Heaven?” Are we there yet? Not? Well … allow me a moment to illuminate your spirit … through the cloud. The cloud as we know it; an […]

3 Kids Car Games That Will Keep Them Busy During Road Trips

Long road trips feel even longer when kids constantly ask “are we there yet?” Then they are ordering a snack, then they need to pee, then they fight over trivial things … The key is to keep them busy, which is why some fun car games for kids are a must. Play the game to keep them engaged, and before […]

What is the semantic web?

A colleague named John Markoff wrote an article for the “New York Times” in 2006 that sparked quite a heated discussion, which continues to this day. He proposed, early in the scheme of things, but certainly not for the first time, that the term “Web 3.0” be used to describe the Internet’s next evolutionary step, which he predicted would be […]

Canada’s personal finance tax cliff: are we there yet?

Today we hear a lot about the US economy approaching the so-called “fiscal cliff.” What about your personal financial affairs? Are you on the fiscal cliff as we creep into 2013? Canadians are burdened with debt. On a monthly basis, we read about the increase in the debt-to-disposable income ratio which is now hovering around the precarious level of 164%. […]

Reactions to girls kissing girls: what’s going on?

In recent years there have been many celebrities who make of girls kissing girls in a very public way and they have surprised millions of people around the world. First, there was the open-mouthed kiss from Britney-Madonna, and then underage Miley Cyrus kissing no less than three different women on different occasions during performances and recently, there was the Sandra […]

How Sex and Pornography Affect Your Academic Performance

It was 2008 and I was having a splendid time at Nekede Federal Polytechnic in Owerri Imo State, Nigeria. I was one of the best in the Department of Public Administration with a GPA in the first semester of 3.52 and a GPA in the second semester of 3.50, all on a scale of 4.00. The secret was simple, attend […]

Eight tracks, private jets, one man and the rise of car audio

At the end of the First World War, the car and the radio were rarely thought together. However, when broadcasting took hold in the early 1920s, enterprising drivers began installing home radios in their cars, creating the first rudimentary car audio. Unfortunately, there was so much interference from the car’s electrical system that they could only be used with the […]

Good times and real life in housing projects

Every time I watch the opening credits of the classic sitcom, “Good Times,” it always reminds me that the housing projects shown are no longer there. The notorious Cabrini Green projects were demolished in 2011. The Evans family lived in one of those buildings, but the housing project they lived in was never called by name. But those of us […]