Create a podcast radio show in hours, without FCC rules or regulations

Are you interested in a new cutting edge tool that can reach millions of potential customers? So you are looking for PODCASTING! And unlike radio shows, which are broadcast over the air on radio waves, and are regulated and controlled by the FCC, there are no regulations or rules for streaming podcasts, as long as you don’t use copy-protected property. […]

Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes

Chances are, the person reading this right now has Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Social media surrounds our world, but some companies still think of social media as an afterthought. Any digital marketing company will tell you that your business can thrive with the right social media marketing strategies. About 20 percent of customers use social media channels to find information […]

What is a podcast? Explanation of podcasting terminology

As you start your online career or expand your reach to a growing audience, you may be considering podcasting. This article takes a look at what podcasting is and explains some of the technology in terms anyone can understand. Various definitions of podcast are available by searching for the term on Google. The one I like the most, however, says […]

How to become a digital marketing consultant in 2018

How computers have changed our lives: today we cannot do without computers. Computers are used for a variety of tasks. Perhaps one cannot reach the end of a list when it comes to the computers that influence a man’s life. Computers can perform a task much faster than the average person can. Computers help us by saving data in the […]

How To Use Search Engine Marketing Services To Increase Your Website Ranking

Did you know that link popularity plays a huge role in the ranking of websites by search engines? That means the more links you have pointing to your website, the higher your website will rank in the results. Now the question is how do you get high ranking websites to link to your website? Webmasters can’t afford to waste time, […]

General Knowledge Quizzes – Engage the audience with additional trivia

All general knowledge quiz compilers know that if they don’t get it right, they will not only turn the audience off, but this means they are less likely to come back for the next quiz. Some general knowledge tests may come from books, the Internet, or other forms of publications. There is no problem with this and it will save […]

How to Design Graphics for a Surfboard

In order to have a completely unique surfboard, you may want to design your own graphics and print them directly onto a board. This article provides some important tips to help you design graphics for your surfboard, as well as information on how you can find professional screen printers in your area. Size When you are designing your surfboard, the […]

What are SMART goals?

Each year, many work teams set goals for the coming year, and leadership teams determine their goals for their organizations. During the goal and objective setting process, the term SMART goal is often used without giving much thought to what it can mean as an overall work plan. SMART goals are a way to not only decide what to do, […]

SEO Tips and Tricks: Popular SEO Tools

Search engine optimization specialists will probably advise you on effective tools to facilitate your optimization. Fortunately, the Internet is home to thousands of tools that will solve the problem areas of your website. The following are specific tools and SEO specialists commonly used and visited by many webmasters. Google Analytics – This is an easy-to-use solution that analyzes a website’s […]

5 Tips for Typographic Best Practices

This was my first year at Typographics 2018. Typographics 2018 is a conference for typography enthusiasts from around the world, held at Cooper Union. There were panelists from San Francisco, Berlin, Buenos Aires and Japan; it really felt like a truly international experience. I had the opportunity to attend both the conference and the TypeLab parts of Typographics. Here are […]