Create a Website for Free by Mark Bell

“Build a Website for Free” by Mark Bell is a good resource for those who want to use free and open source software to build a website. According to Bell, this free and open source software will allow you to create fun, interesting and dynamic web pages for very little money. With this book, he shows you how to do […]

3 tricks to achieve better results with Instagram ads

Do you use Instagram to promote your business? Instagram advertising is popular right now. Its ad revenue will hit $10 billion in 2019. Yes, that’s a billion with a “b.” Ads on Instagram generate that massive revenue because there are over two million monthly active sellers right now. The sleek and visually focused nature of the web makes it popular […]

How SMS marketing could benefit your business

The use of SMS marketing in B2C is becoming a popular way of advertising to consumers through their mobile phones. Businesses typically approach mobile phone providers to deliver content via SMS (Short Message Service) messages to mobile phones. All mobiles can receive SMS text messages, which makes SMS marketing extremely invasive but also effective. The key from a B2B perspective […]

HVAC BIM matches construction workflow for mechanical contractors

Looking for HVAC building information modeling services? Opt for the leading BIM services for mechanical contractors and combine your construction workflow with BIM. You will need to provide a variety of inputs, such as design and contract documents, specification sheets, and equipment submissions to validate your build model design. During modeling, the design is validated for construction and maintenance, and […]

Top 12 tips for writing a press release

A press release is the standard way to alert the media, and increasingly the online public, about what you’re doing or selling. The press release (PR) is part of the public relations artillery and should be used wisely. Though mostly written and distributed by public relations professionals, you too can competently write your own public relations if you keep in […]

Successful film marketing strategies

“It’s not about what a movie is about, it’s about how it’s about.” –Roger Ebert Unlike any other art, movies have a far greater impact on human mental consciousness. It has the ability to impose emotional instability on the human mind. That is why it is said that making films is more about observing and imagining. Now, in this century, […]

Benefits of investing in reliable website content writing services

Website content writing services can increase the value of your site content, drive sales and increase website traffic. New, high-quality content results in more leads and conversions. Aside from that, this can also result in better search engine rankings. However, remember that it is not easy to create timely and well-written content to satisfy the interest of your target audience. […]

How I got affiliates to promote my product

I couldn’t build momentum. He was doing what I teach people to do: get five sales on their first product, then do another one the next week and sell ten. You do another one next week and you sell fifteen, and that’s how I started. In fact, that’s how I started. But it wasn’t working trying to get into this […]

Why custom web development? here is the answer

A custom website is a stand-alone or out-of-the-box website built with your business prerequisites, specific functionality, and the type of customer experience you want to deliver in mind. Therefore, developing a custom web solution means building directly from scratch without implementing any formatting in any specific method. The debate in the minds of business entrepreneurs whether to build a custom […]

Tips for testing keywords

Keywords are the crux of any successful pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaign. But sometimes choosing the right keywords can be a daunting task. Even when using PPC research marketing tools like ZamDoo, Google Cash Detective and others, choosing the keywords that will get you the most visits and increase sales is not always easy. This is despite the fact that with […]