Possible problems with removable kitchen trash cans

Over the years, many customers have had our company install removable trash cans in their kitchen cabinets. I realized the problems with having one of these drop-down units when I included one in my own closet design. Although there are some advantages, I think there are more disadvantages than advantages to having these sliding units installed in kitchen cabinets. Slide […]

Woodworking: the best wood for beginners

Woodworking: Know Your Wood Wood is made of cellulose fibers, bound together with a property called lignin, and is classified as hard or soft wood, depending on the type of tree it comes from. Also, the sapwood or new wood of a tree is still alive, while the heartwood refers to the part of the tree that no longer functions. […]

Why Granite Kitchen Countertops?

Many Americans have found that granite kitchen countertops are the ideal surface option for kitchen counters and islands. If you are like many Americans, you probably plan to remodel your kitchen in the near future, including replacing worn and outdated kitchen countertops. In previous years, you were limited to painted, vinyl-coated, or synthetic options that would be susceptible to cracking, […]

The ABCs of decorating with neutrals

Go with neutrals or not go with neutrals, that is the question. Well, that’s a question that I get asked quite often by friends and clients. There are two opinions that I find regarding neutrals: there are those who think that neutrals are mediocre and want to avoid them at all costs and then those who think that neutrals are […]

Mind-blowing custom closet design ideas

One of the most efficient ways to organize personal items around the house is to design a custom closet. There are two types of wardrobes mainly, dressing rooms and dressing rooms. Time should be spent taking inventory of the items to be stored while designing a custom closet. “Function”, that is, the purpose that the design intends to fulfill and […]

Bedroom furniture style: the colors of your life

There is nothing that affects the mood of any living space as much as color. This is especially true when it comes to bedrooms. While other ornaments can be very expensive, exotic, or just plain beautiful, nothing is as powerful as color when it comes to affecting how we feel at that particular point in which we are surrounded. In […]

Get the vibrant colors and materials of the mosaics to bring the walls to life

Delicate mosaics in mixtures of stone, metal and glass or separately adorn the wall in the mystical colors of the rainbow. Art, fantasy, design and technology have been combined to generate a superbly impressive variety of mosaics with color and appeal. Create designer pieces anywhere in your home or business. Kitchen and bathroom backsplashes present great opportunities for decoration. Combine […]

Old style, new style: Richmond Stoves 900DFT and Stoves Sterling 900DFT Cooktop

Stoves knows what it does when it comes to electric range design. Point for point, the sterling 900DFT range range cooktops and the Richmond 900DFT range range range range are nearly identical. They share the programming functionality, have the same general internal capacity and the same number of boards. But they seem to come from two different worlds. Stoves almost […]

5 ideas to build a spectacular outdoor kitchen

An outdoor kitchen is the ultimate dream for many people who enjoy backyard entertaining. Imagine gathering your friends or family for a summer barbecue or a cozy winter cocktail in the comfort of your own garden. Here are some great tips for designing your spectacular outdoor kitchen. 1. Design ideas Pinterest is a great resource for finding design inspiration and […]

Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks – Durable Doesn’t Mean Ugly

When it comes to cooking, the wide variety of options available is incredible. The first thing to consider is the material from which a sink is constructed. This is important for several key reasons, such as its ability to withstand multiple daily uses. A perfect example is stainless steel kitchen sinks. Once only seen in restaurant-style settings, a stainless steel […]