The maximum luxury for your star pet – Dog Boarding Hotels

Hotel rates may vary depending on the classy services that will be lavishly availed by your beloved pet, but most hotels have special features that are uniquely designed to provide all relevant services to your pet. Includes all the luxury amenities for your dog that may never be available at home. Therefore, if you are on vacation and you want […]

African Spurred Tortoises – How To Care For These Giant African Tortoises

African Spurred Tortoises, when young, are cute, outgoing, and very tame. Perhaps these are the reasons why any would-be tortoise owner would seriously consider owning one. But this African tortoise may not be the best choice for a pet because it grows very large and becomes very powerful. In fact, African spurred tortoises are the largest tortoises on the African […]

Potty Training Your Teacup Puppy

Now that you’ve brought your Teacup Puppy home, it’s time to go potty. Some thought the sign to look for when your Teacup Puggle has to go is that he will start sniffing the floor if he has to pee to go and he will start sniffing and usually start walking in circles if he has to have a defecation. […]

My girlfriend stopped calling me, what should I do?

They both used to talk a few times a week or every day on the phone, but she suddenly stopped calling them. You start to wonder, “Why did my girlfriend stop calling me? Is she busy, trying to leave me or what?” What are you going to do now? She will probably panic and wonder why my girlfriend stopped calling […]

How to Minimize or Avoid Brokerage When Buying a Home

The number one cost is the brokerage you pay to the real estate agent or brokerage firm. Brokerage is the fee charged by the intermediary or broker between the buyer and the seller. This fee alone can significantly increase the cost of buying your home and cause you to exceed your home buying budget, as most brokers charge a brokerage […]

Prevent fleas and heartworms from affecting pets

Heartworms and fleas are parasites that can cause critical problems in pets. The good news is that it is now possible to prevent these parasites using safe, effective and easy to administer treatments. It is a well-known fact that heartworm disease can damage the lungs, heart, and other related blood vessels. This disease is spread through the bite of an […]

Partner Relationship Management – Leveraging Strategic Business Alliances

The trend in global business is collaboration. Companies, from start-ups to Fortune 50s, are now seeing the enormous possibilities of venturing into strategic business alliances in a variety of ways. There is currently an emerging movement towards joint ventures and more and more companies are open to the idea of ​​exploring new avenues with other companies. According to business projections, […]

10 steps to deal with the loss of your pet

Sometimes special animals come into our lives and touch our hearts in a way that leaves us forever changed. A chapter ends when the family road they traveled together comes to an abrupt end. You are in unknown territory without a map. She lost. The world as you know it may look totally different. Not everyone realizes that the bond […]

Types of pet supplies

If you’re a new pet owner, chances are you’re looking for quality pet supplies, pet medications, veterinary care, and pet food. According to statistics from the American Pet Products Association (obtained from various market research sources), Americans spent a total of $10.41 billion on over-the-counter medications and supplies in 2010. The statistics also suggest that, despite the recession of 2008-2009, […]

The ten commandments from the point of view of dogs

(1) My life is likely to last between 10 and 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy from me. (2) Give me time to understand what you want from me, don’t be impatient, moody or irritable. (3) Put your trust in me and I will always trust you, respect is earned, […]