Sex, lies and the narcissistic personality

Acknowledging for the first time that your longtime lover has a narcissistic personality can be a devastating discovery. For many, the shock never wears off, lingering long after the narcissist has done the usual Devalue and Discard and has disappeared to find other sources of supply. It is often years before the “good” partner finally begins to dig into the […]

Your pets and your guardian angel

If you’re like most people, you consider your pets part of your family. You love them and receive a lot of love in return, and you get upset when they get sick or are lost even for a short time. Here are some unique suggestions to lower your stress level when events seem troubling or even in crisis situations with […]

Foreclosures: What You Need to Know

Road signs and online advertisements can commonly be found saying things like “We buy houses.” These listings are typically from real estate investors looking to obtain a property at a discount, such as a property headed for foreclosure. Often referred to as REO or bank-owned, a foreclosure is a type of distressed property that has returned to the control of […]

Cupid Punished by Bartolomeo Manfredi: Homoerotic Art

In the Galleries of the Art Institute of Chicago hangs a stunning painting by the 16th-century Italian Baroque artist Bartolomeo Manfredi. The name of the piece is “Cupid Punished”. This painting depicts Mars (the god of war) striking Cupid with a whip while Venus (the goddess of love) crouching to the side tries to stop Mars from assaulting the young […]

Why Zambia is Africa’s best kept secret

Simple… This magnificent country boasts the highest concentrations of wildlife, stunning scenery, unspoiled wilderness… and is now the Adventure Center of Southern Africa. Above all, discover the friendliest people in Africa. The friendly people with their warm African welcome have made Zambia the haven of peace in Africa. There has been no war here. Its 73 ethical groups live in […]

Paisley, Renfrewshire: a historical place full of emotions

Paisley – The former royal burgh and a large city is located in the Central Lowlands of Scotland and is the administrative capital of Renfrewshire. This largest city in Scotland is located 8 miles from Glasgow International Airport. This historic city has several worthy and fun places to visit. If you plan to visit Paisley, take a long leave of […]

20 Must-Have Push Notification Best Practices for Ecommerce Merchants

Mobile marketing is the recent buzzword and push notification is definitely an indispensable part of this promotional journey. Reaching users outside of app usage was no easy task, but push notifications have made it possible. You have the power to stay on the sidelines without getting lost in the colossal crowd of unread messages. While push notifications are the ideal […]

Is it legal to import branded merchandise from China?

With all the business education you can find today at the click of a mouse, it still amazes me some of the unrealistic expectations people have when it comes to product sourcing. Those who have chosen product marketing as their business model are under the naive impression that most wholesale providers will be able to supply them with almost any […]

Using curtains and drapes to treat yourself and your windows

There are many styles of curtains, blinds, valances, and other window treatments that you can use to dress up your windows. Decorated windows add charm to your house and make it look beautiful. The key is to keep things in balance instead of dominating the space with too many contrasting colors. Window treatments can cost a mint these days, especially […]

Who in the world is Clinton Ober?

Clinton Ober was born on July 14, 1944. He spent his years of learning growing up and getting acquainted with nature while living in the state of Montana. His initial training in the wild consisted of learning many of the customs of the Native Americans who resided near him. The community around him was made up primarily of ranchers and […]