Channeling: An explanation on how a medium can channel spirits

The definition of pipeline Channeling, in psychic language, is the process of receiving and transmitting information to and from an unseen external entity or source in an ‘altered state of consciousness’ or trance. This state is thought-based, self-induced, or triggered by an expert. The channel loses its bodily consciousness and reaches a level of intelligence that is nearly in sync […]

Property Management Goals

The management of a property must have goals and objectives. There are two types of organizational goals which are the short term goal and the long term goal. Short-term goals are considered to be within a year, and long-term goals are over a year. The short-term objective is also called operational objectives, since it will continue to be a daily […]

A doomed Martian moon has a story to tell

Discovered in 1877 by the American astronomer Asaph Hall, the enigmatic duo of Martian moons, nicknamed Phobos and Demos, they have bewitched and mystified planetary scientists trying to understand their many mysteries. Martian moons are tiny, misshapen objects, often considered captured asteroids, that were trapped by the Red Planet’s gravity long ago, after they both escaped the planet. handheld asteroid […]

the truth about tea

Some facts are fundamentally universal: When it’s cold and damp outside, the human body craves something warm. Now, whether that warmth comes in the form of steaming soup, hot tea, or freshly brewed coffee is up to the cold consumer. But as America has turned into a seemingly Starbucks-infested coffee culture, a growing number of Americans are choosing tea for […]

Cyprus an island to discover

Lights, colors, beautiful landscapes, this is the island where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty and Love, was born. The Goddess of the island also has her name: in fact, the Greek Aphrodite was known as “Kipris”. Third largest in the Mediterranean, after Sicily and Sardinia, Cyprus all ‘welcome: its people so kind, available, friendly and hospitable, always ready to smile. […]

Five easy face painting designs for kids

Children of virtually all ages enjoy the art of face painting. They just love the idea of ​​having their favorite animal or cartoon character painted on their faces. But if you’re a mom-turned-painter at her six-year-old son’s birthday party, the dozens of little tikes lining up can drive you to the brink of madness. Isn’t it every mother’s nightmare to […]

Increase your internet marketing sales and profits fast by watching TV

Would you like to start generating unlimited product ideas, sales letters, and content for your internet marketing business? So there’s only one thing you have to do. And that’s just constantly exposing your mind to lots of different, even radically different things. In other words, read a lot of periodicals, newspapers, books, and novels. Watch lots of different TV shows […]

Bathroom Renovation: Making Your Bathroom Bigger

You can make your bathroom bigger by knocking down a closet and/or a room that is next to your bathroom. It is suggested to hire a professional to tear down the room or rooms that are needed. The professional will know how to knock him out without damaging your home. He or she can also meet with you ahead of […]

Use your videos to earn money

Is it possible to make money using videos to sell your own product or hire salespeople to sell it for you? Yes it is. YouTube is absolute proof of this. Lots of great YouTube video promotions and promoters of guitar and piano lessons, anything and everything you can think of. In previous articles, I’ve mentioned the Blendit videos where the […]

The origin of Easter traditions

While we happily buy chocolate Easter bunnies, color and hide eggs, and fill our Easter baskets, many people are unsure of the origins of these Easter traditions. Whether you celebrate Easter as a religious holiday or the advent of spring, or a combination of both, it can be fun to understand the origins and meanings behind these traditions, where some […]