Turkey Behavior: Simple Tips To Understand Their Behaviors When Raising Turkeys

Some children want a dog or cat to be their playmate every day. But some consider rare animals to be their pets. Many of you may find it unusual to have a turkey as a pet. But for your information, for decades, turkeys have been kept as pets. In fact, the son of Abraham Lincoln had a turkey as the […]

Why the sudden increase in interest in pet insurance comparison?

Why are pet owners everywhere suddenly hearing and seeing more information about pet insurance and pet insurance comparison? Could it be that there is a push “behind the scenes” so to speak throughout the pet insurance industry to generate more revenue in tough economic times? Who knows? It could easily be that pet owners, especially in the US, are finally […]

How To Train A Chow Chow Puppy: A Quick Guide To Training Your Chow Chow Dog

Chow Chows are very social and friendly dogs. They love being part of a family and knowing their place. Although they are sometimes lazy, especially indoors, Chow Chows need daily exercise and play. Chow Chows are good with children and enjoy interaction. They do well in apartments and houses with small yards. Along with their loving nature, they also possess […]

My boyfriend cheated on me and then proposed to me, can I trust this?

Most of the time, when you receive the marriage proposal you’ve been waiting for, it’s a time of relief and celebration. It must be one of the most exciting times of her life. Unfortunately, all of this can be denied if you fear that you got the proposal because your partner has cheated on you and is trying to show […]

Shortening, butter or margarine: which is better for baking cookies?

There is so much controversy about what is best to use for baking cookies. You may find yourself scratching your head trying to figure out this dilemma. Which is healthier to use than the other? With a little research we can solve this dilemma. First, what is shortening? It is a semi-solid fat and refers to a hydrogenated vegetable oil. […]

The advantages of snake repellents

They will lay eggs, steal your food, harm your animals, throw and pass other types of debris that you will have to clean up. These are not paying renters and even if they were, they would still be a nuisance. These pests are very dangerous and some species can kill you or your animals. They devalue property and threaten the […]

Choosing a Dog Breed: More Small and Mixed Dogs

I love old movies with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. In ‘Shall We Dance’, Fred and Ginger sail across the Atlantic on the Queen Anne. Ginger stops at the ship’s busy kennel and takes the dog out of it. As Fred, Ginger and her dog are pacing the deck, the dog steps on her sleeve and ruins her sweater. How […]

home remedies for dog constipation

There comes a time in everyone’s life when constipation rears its ugly head. The same goes for dogs, unfortunately. Lack of exercise and proper diet can lead to bouts of constipation (sound familiar?). While you can look for a variety of ways to “eliminate” this problem in your own life, let’s explore some home remedies for dog constipation that can […]

What if she asks me to be her boyfriend?

Many men are in the dating game just for fun. They like meeting new women, chatting with them, getting their number, and meeting them again for dinner or coffee after a few days. You probably are, since you are reading this article. It’s a challenge to captivate a woman enough to give you her number after a few minutes, but […]

Top-down vs. bottom-up: What’s the best way to set goals?

Everyone needs goals. As an IT leader, it will be your responsibility to help your team set individual and team goals. Although this sounds simple enough at first, in practice it is often a bit tricky. The most important question you will have to answer is how you want to set goals: top-down or bottom-up? The top down approach Say […]