An in-depth and honest review of Sit Stay Fetch by Daniel Stevens

When it comes to dog behavior training, SitStayFetch by Daniel Stevens is right up there with the best in my opinion. This canine behavior training manual presents a very detailed and meticulous perspective on how best to deal with today’s common problems in anxious dogs. Trust me, I know, you see, I am the proud owner of what used to […]

Preschool Learning: Outdoor Activities and Field Trips to Learn

Preschoolers, toddlers, and young children are always learning. When they look, touch, see and smell, they are learning. It is an endless part of their young lives. This fact of ‘learning’ is a big reason why it is important for children to experience new things and new environments. As parents and teachers, there are a variety of places or activities […]

Puppy Behavior 20 – 24 weeks of age

There are many changes to expect as your beautiful pup grows up. In this article we will focus on your puppy’s development between 20 and 24 weeks of age. A step-by-step guide to puppy behavior between 20 and 24 weeks of age Your pup will still be energetic and full of energy and will still be eager to learn. objective […]

My husband told me that he is sexually attracted to another woman: tips and advice that can help

Over the weekend, I received an email from a desperate woman saying that her husband had admitted to being sexually attracted to a female co-worker. The husband swore that nothing had happened between them. Supposedly there was no sex or physical contact, but the husband was to blame for the attraction and wanted to tell his wife about it. The […]

Investment in apartment – Furnished or unfurnished

If you are an apartment investor, choosing the route of furnished or unfurnished apartments is a very important decision. You must select what will maximize your income and protect the total investment in your building. This is not an easy choice and I have made a stand, so I will give you my opinion on the pros and cons of […]

Lawn Moles – Get Rid of Lawn Moles and Gophers

Moles and gophers can create havoc for gardeners and farmers alike. They are small rodents that create underground tunnel systems that can extend for miles. These little critters can damage PVE pipes, wiring, and underground drainage systems. Moles eat the roots of plants completely destroying them, while lawn moles leave mounds of soil in landscapes. These piles of dirt are […]

Pet CBD Marketing: How To Stand Out From The Crowd

Thousands of companies offer CBD for pets. Yet the vast majority of marketing efforts simplistically revolve around “Oh, we’ve got pet stuff, too.” Instead, industry leaders in pet CBD marketing have figured out how to rise above the fray. They have done so by focusing on one of the most powerful principles of persuasion in human history. The good news […]

So do you want to be a pet sitter?

So you love animals and you think it would be great to be a pet sitter so you can take care of dogs and cats every day. While it’s fun to take care of different animals all the time, I want you to know what working with pets is all about. There is more than you think. Do not misunderstand. […]

Dog and Cat Supplements: What Your Pets Would Really Want If You Could Tell Them

Supplements for dogs and cats allow all kinds of pet owners to do what’s best for their furry friends. In addition to providing endless love, food, and safe shelter, there is so much more you can do for your dogs and cats to keep them happy and healthy. Nutritional supplements for dogs and cats can rejuvenate their health, increase their […]

Finding a Great Golden Retriever Forum

There are all kinds of rants and chants about golden retrievers lately as it has become one of the most popular breeds. Naturally, there would be all kinds of gatherings for owners, experts, enthusiasts, and even wannabes. If you’re already thinking about Google, prepare to be greeted with a plethora of websites and forums (as if you didn’t know). I […]