How to prepare your Boliy generator for storage: 2 easy steps

If you plan to store your Boliy generator for 4 months or more, the manufacturer recommends taking long-term storage precautions. This will protect against fluid deterioration and internal damage. You can do this on the Boliy Pro3600Si and Pro3600Si/E electric start. FUEL DRAIN SYSTEM To drain the fuel from the system for long-term storage, do the following: A. Turn the […]

Choosing the right property management software

As your property management company grows, with additional properties being built, investing in property management software can be crucial to the smooth running of your business. Excel spreadsheets and old pen-and-paper methods may not be the ideal choice in today’s world. There are many cheap and easy to use specialized tools that property managers can choose from that are much […]

If you have a property to rent, do not sell it at short notice

When trying to rent a property, many owners, especially those who are new to the business, try to save money by renting it themselves. Perhaps this is understandable, but it is rarely a good move in the long run and can often have a very unfortunate outcome. Here are ten very good reasons why aspiring homeowners, as well as some […]

Architectural Steps Involved in Designing House Plans

Thinking of getting a plan for your house? Here are the steps you need to follow to get the plan: Initial Interview and Discussion This is where you sit down with your favorite architect and find out if the professional is right for you. During the interview you should ask the architect to show you the projects that he has […]

Crime and Punishment: British MPs on the run from justice

The furor in Britain’s parliament over the spending debacle has added fuel to the fire now burning as the country faces its worst economic crisis in modern times, with the Treasury shorted for a decade or so. Michael Martin, perceived as the overseer of a legion of so-called swindlers, was forced to resign as Speaker of the House of Commons […]

Real Estate “Wholesale” – What is it?

If you are a real estate investor, you have wholesaled properties or have heard of others who do. In real estate, what exactly is a “wholesaler”? Here are the basics: a property is bought at a very low price no repairs or rehabilitations are made to the property it is being resold to an investor who plans to rehab it […]

Basketball Court Floor Facts

The brainchild of Canadian-American sports coach Dr. James Naismith in late 1891, basketball was first played at the YMCA (now Springfield College) Training School in Massachusetts. Naismith had been tasked with finding a way to keep children active indoors during the harsh New England winters. After some trial and error, the game was invented and a colossal sports industry was […]

Only 2%

Last month Pine Financial Group hosted the 2020 Minnesota Real Estate Investor Success Summit, it was a great event and we had our best turnout to date with over 215 registered. I had the chance to host the event, which is always fun because deep down I think I’m a comedian. Ask my wife and she’ll tell you there’s nothing […]

Don’t be a penniless landlord

Most of us small real estate investors buying and renting single-family homes are accused of making every dollar count. It is that habit that makes us make foolish decisions when advertising a house for rent. Just take a look at the Home For Rent classified section of your newspaper. You’ll see rows of two- or three-line ads that seem to […]

Four Questions to Ask Your Mold Remediation Company

Mold is prevalent in damp, musty conditions and is common in dark, damp areas. Many homes often provide a perfect breeding ground for this persistent home invader. From basements to carpets, air ducts, roof tiles, and even clothing, mold can find its way into many places in your home, causing property damage and aggravating allergies, respiratory conditions, and other serious […]