Eating Habits – Looking for Food Comfort?

Sometimes we eat for the right reasons. When we are hungry is the first example that comes to mind. As simple as it sounds, it may surprise you how often people eat when they think they’re hungry when instead it’s a craving. Since we are naturally inclined to make mistakes, there are also times when we eat for the wrong […]

Renter’s rights and pets: the landlord against his cat

Too often I hear from people who are giving up their beloved family pet because the landlord enacted a new no pet policy, or because they are moving into a rental property that has a no pet policy. Less often, I also hear from owners who allow cats but require declawing. Before you agree to a rental policy that costs […]

Night shift: 10 things to do to fall asleep during the day

I work the night shift, so my sleep time is usually the opposite of what people who work normally do. I stay up all night and sleep all day. When I get off work it’s 5am so there’s barely any morning light and it would still equate to night. But I live 3 trips away from the office, so I’m […]

Top 10 Educational Apps for Android

The learning and education process is evolving with the continuous change of mobile technology and the Internet. Now people are learning the knowledge and information from mobile educational apps. But there are many quality and effective learning apps available on the Android Play Store to cover the different segments of the knowledge base. So how do you choose the best, […]

Lego Hogwarts Castle – The fourth time is the charm

The Lego building set is without a doubt the most versatile and popular building set ever released. With its modular elements, you have the ability to create just about anything imaginable. Now this year, Lego designers have created what is perhaps the most elaborate set in their series designed around the Harry Potter stories. Released in October 2010, the newest […]

Water pipe in the Guadalupe River

The Guadalupe River is a paradise for rafting, kayaking, and water tubing. The gracefully stretched river in the Texas Hill Country offers the best natural scenes and tubing services in the area. The upper river is more famous for tubes as it is a smaller and faster stream of water. The tubers would sit in the spacious airlock and bask […]

Selling Krugerrands the easy way

The South African gold Krugerrand is one of the most collectible coins. In fact, no coin collection is complete without some of these valuable and durable gold coins. But selling Krugerrands requires a bit of research to ensure you make a satisfying profit. The key to successfully selling Krugerrands and getting the most value from them is knowing how the […]

What is your cooking style?

Don’t worry about following the latest trends in kitchen style. Follow yours or, better yet, create your own. After all, we all have our own favorite color. And we also don’t let anyone else select that for us. No two kitchens are the same…just like no two people are the same. We all have our preferences in tastes and cooking […]

Seized Cars: How To Find Cheaper Police Seized Cars

At different times of the year, the police seize cars for various offenses committed by the owners of these cars. Vehicles are seized for various reasons and then auctioned off at discounted prices; some cars are discounted up to 95% off the original purchase cost. That is why it is common to find auctions at different times of the year. […]

Ad blocking: could it spell the end of free internet?

Publishers, advertisers, and consumers all have a role in the game when it comes to the use and proliferation of ad blockers. Like everyone else, I am deeply concerned about where the industry is and, more importantly, what needs to be done to reconnect with disgruntled and disaffected consumers. The rapid adoption of ad blockers is a direct response to […]