Weight loss is a pain in the ass!

From what I’ve learned, there’s a lot to “weight loss.” First it’s 80% diet and 20% exercise, which I thought was full of rubbish from the start because I figure if you keep your body moving constantly you won’t have to worry about the food you’re eating. WRONG! I’m a foodie so I figured my exercise plan could get away […]

Moms – Good Internet Marketers

In the early days, moms were stereotypically defined as women who stayed at home, cleaned the house, and took care of their husband and children. Today, women have stepped up the playing field. More and more are entering the competitive world of business, professional services, and even politics. One must think: “Can a traditional housewife continue to live a career?” […]

The lemon diet as an effective detox

The lemon diet is a popular way to detoxify your body. The lemon diet is often also known as the Master Cleanse diet which is considered the most effective in cleansing toxins from our bodies because the nutrient content in lemon can stimulate the liver to erode toxic buildup thus there was a cleansing of the digestive organs. The lemon […]

Are you seriously allergic to your own pet?

Pet allergies Well, it goes without saying that perhaps two of the most allergic pets known to man are the dog and the cat. I am a pet lover and I know for a fact that my blood pressure has dropped due to having two pets, a cat and a dog. They not only cause us to get up in […]

Mice, terrors of the storage unit

As anyone who has ever had a mouse in their home can attest, mice can cause an enormous amount of damage to household items. Now try locking them in a room alone with their household items for months without interruption. They can chew through boxes, make nests out of clothing, squeeze through tiny openings, slippery scales on nearly vertical paths. […]

CPA Cash Flow

What is CPA or cost per action marketing? CPA or cost per action marketing is a form of affiliate marketing. Most people are familiar with some of the normal affiliate networks like ClickBank and Commission Crossroads. Most people online have heard of the search engine giant called Google. Cost per action marketing is all over the web, but regular bloggers […]

Products for Seniors – Entertainment Products for Seniors

As people age, there are fewer and fewer activities they can do. Many people cannot go out for a walk or go to the gym like young people. Many family members take entertainment and access to it for granted. To keep your loved one as comfortable and entertained as possible, there are products for seniors that are designed to keep […]

Can Acai Berry help men last longer in bed?

It is a well-known fact that as men like us get older, it becomes more and more difficult to last as long in bed as we used to. It could be because he has gained several dozen pounds since his wedding night, or he may be suffering from an age-related disease or lack of testosterone. Is there a way to […]

David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest

You might be wondering what happened to me these past few months, but then when you see that I’ve been reading David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, you’ll most likely sigh and think, “What has that idiot gotten up to?” during this time!” Or effects in that sense. My first foray into the works of Mr. Wallace, before reading Infinite Jest, […]

Bradford, You’re Fired by William Woodbridge – Book Review

Title and author: Bradford, you’re fired! By William W. Woodbridge Content Synopsis: First published in the early 1900s, this little book is the story of a young salesman who is lazy, unmotivated, selfish, and blames others for his misfortune. He is fired by his boss for his lack of a good work ethic. At first, Bradford is angry and surly. […]