Beat Belly Bulge and High Blood Pressure After 50

Most health and fitness books for seniors miss the mark when it comes to losing belly fat and lowering blood pressure. Almost every article and book on the shelf preaches the same approach to flattening your belly and lowering your blood pressure: dieting and exercising. I used to accept that theory until I met a former fitness trainee who left […]

Train like you mean it! Get the most out of your workouts

I have a confession to make. In the past, she often didn’t work as hard as he could when he trained. I backed up momentarily during a race, slowed down at a light that was still green, or trailed behind another cyclist for a couple of miles to enjoy the free ride drafting provides. Now these are not sins that […]

How to flavor and prepare Black-Eyed Peas

Black-eyed peas, also called cowpeas and cousins ​​to the smaller field peas, probably came to the Americas via the slave trade. They had more use as animal feed before reaching the bipedal table. The beans themselves are beige in color, but have a black “eye” which gives them their name. You can buy them canned, fresh (frozen), or dried. Although […]

Supliment alimentar pentru un sistem imunitar puternic

alimentar pentru un sistem imunitar puternic Sistemul imunitar este o rețea vastă de celule, organe și țesuturi care vă apără corpul de infecții prin identificarea agenților patogeni (cum ar fi virusul gripei) și combaterea lor cu celule albe din sânge. Un sistem imunitar slăbit vă expune un risc mai mare de îmbolnăvire și întârzie vindecarea rănilor, motiv pentru care este […]

Are you looking for a tennis scholarship?

Are you a tennis recruit looking for a scholarship? If so, then look no further and go find a pen and take some notes. Then start taking action today towards a tennis scholarship. “With the Internet, we all have the ability to communicate with each other easily, for free, and very quickly, so take advantage of it for everything worthwhile […]

Type 2 diabetes and healthy living: exercise is not a solution to poor food choices

When it comes to exercise, many people get it right. Not everyone has an inactive lifestyle. Some people have a job where they are on their feet most or all of the day. Others play a sport every week because it is a hobby and they enjoy it: therefore they are regularly active. Some people are gym rats and are […]

11 Quick Tips for First-Time Contestants of a Contest OR Contest "rookie"

Is it your first time participating in a beauty pageant and you are not sure what to do? Here are 11 quick tips to help you win! smile smile smile. The judges like to see the contestants happy, so show as many teeth as possible. Walk with your chin up. Even if you can’t walk, keep your head up and […]

7 tips to lose weight in 30 days

It is natural for people to want to look beautiful. Improving your appearance, your brainpower, your knowledge, your sense of style can help you become a better person. Accessories, clothes, new shoes, etc. they change your appearance, however, losing weight not only changes the way we look, but also improves our overall health. Following the following 7 tips will help […]

Burn Stomach Fat: 3 Effective Ways To Burn Stomach Fat

Are you doing hundreds or thousands of crunches every day and still wonder why you can’t get rid of belly fat? Or are you one of those who sit on the couch all day wondering what would be the best way to burn belly fat? Or are you one of those who seriously wants to burn fat on your stomach […]

Causes of Hot Flashes Other than Menopause

Have you experienced hot flashes (or hot flashes) of sweating? not only at night but also in the morning? For most women, hot flashes and sweating are taken as signs of perimenopause or impending menopause. But is this the only reason? Although these waves of body heat and night sweats are usually associated with women and are believed to be […]