Ways to lose belly fat and get the flat stomach you want

Losing abdominal fat has become a very difficult task for many people. However, more often than not, they are trying to fix the problem the wrong way or with the wrong mindset. An example of this is targeted fat reduction, where some people believe that crunches will burn fat instantly and will only burn fat around the abdominal region. This […]

Italians and their pasta

No one can really say where the pasta originated. Almost every country in the world has a version of this food. Where there’s wheat, there’s apparently pasta, one way or another. The Japanese refer to pasta as udonthe chinese call it mine, the french call it noodles, those who live in Poland refer to it as pieroguithe germans say it […]

Your health in the future

So, are you today??? Or this??? OK! So you’re not 25 anymore (or even close?) So what do you do about it? Sit in your chair and accept that you are getting older? There’s nothing you can do about it anyway (shrug) right? Gold! – Make every day count! Good! – And how the hell do we do that? This […]

What is the difference between the P90X Classic, Doubles, and Lean programs?

With P90X, you can choose from three training routines: Classic, Doubles, or Lean. It uses the same set of DVDs, but the result of each training program is different. Consider your own fitness goals to determine which P90X workout is best for you. Is your goal to tone up and lose weight while improving your cardio, or are you more […]

The 4 main functions of fat

Fat is the Rodney Dangerfield of nutrients: it gets no respect. The next time you’re in a store, look at the number of products you see labeled low-fat or fat-free. It’s enough to make you think you need to avoid it altogether. The truth is that fat is just as vital to your body as any other nutrient, so avoiding […]

Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight can really be a big concern. America is getting fatter almost every day. The number of Americans who are gaining weight and leaning toward severe obesity is growing at an alarming rate. Morbid obesity is a big problem. It can cause many diseases and ailments that can make it difficult for a person to do their usual activities. […]

How to cure ovarian cysts – Pregnancy and large ovarian cysts

An ovarian cyst is any collection of fluid-filled sac that develops on an ovary. Any ovarian follicle that is larger than two centimeters is known as an ovarian cyst. An ovarian cyst can be cured with carrots, molasses, red wine and tinctures and many other rich natural herbs. Most cysts are practical in nature and are not dangerous. In the […]

The Weekly Fitness Post: Stronger Legs for Flyers

This week we will cover specific leg exercises that flyers will find necessary during stunting. From your upper legs to your ankles, we’ve listed the basics you need to improve conditioning. Keep all the exercises on the list in mind: As you progress or just need more of a challenge, choose two dumbbells that you consider a challenging weight and […]

Finding motivation: what to do when you don’t feel like doing anything

“The measure of your success usually comes down to who wins the battle between the two of you. The ‘you’ who wants to stop, give up, or take it easy, and the ‘you’ who chooses to beat that.” What would get in the way of your success: complacency.” Chris Widener In all my interactions with people, I have never encountered […]

Can Vita Glow Night Cream Be Used in Conjunction With Other Skincare Products?

Vita Glow Night Cream Vita Glow Night Cream is an excellent skincare product for all skin types. It can help you achieve your desired complexion in a matter of weeks, and is gentle on the skin. Unlike other skin lightening products that contain hydroquinone, which may cause redness, dryness, or irritation, this product uses natural ingredients to whiten the complexion. […]