The Spirit of Dominion

DEFINITION OF TERMS THE SPIRIT OF DOMINION: it is the Holy Spirit that empowers the totality of man to rule over the earth and the circumstances of life. DOMAIN: is the authority to govern, take charge, manage or control what is placed in your care. THE 3 AREAS OF MAN’S DOMAIN 1. DOMINION OVER THE EARTH The earth is the […]

Amazing! Awaken Your Psychic Powers With These Sensational Secrets

In this article we are going to discuss how to awaken your psychic powers in no time! I spent years trying to master my inner states of consciousness in order to give myself a richer, fuller and happier life… BUT to no avail. I tried all kinds of exotic and wacky methods without any real progress. Then I discovered some […]

What to look for when shopping for your dream!

Let’s face it, when people are looking for real estate (whether it’s a house, vacant land, or commercial property), what most people are looking for is a dream, a lifestyle, or a stepping stone that brings them closer to realizing it. a vision or goal. . It doesn’t matter if a structure is present or not, chances are a new […]

Aid! Who was I in a past life? The Shocking Truth About Past Life Psychic Therapy

Have I lived a past life? Was it someone famous? well known? Did he have a big family, an important job, or an exciting life? In this article we are going to take a quick look at some of the popular past life questions that many people ask before getting their first past life psychic reading. So if this sounds […]

Colon Cleanse Detox – The best method to lose weight

For those people who have really tried and succeeded in losing weight, you will notice a common thread. They all did something to improve the way your body naturally metabolizes things, because if you sit back and wait for it to happen, losing weight can be next to impossible. That being said, there are many different products out there, and […]

How to protect yourself from electromagnetic fields

For those who are sensitive, EMFs can make us feel exhausted and stressed and while it would be impossible to avoid them entirely, there are some simple ways to reduce our exposure and keep ourselves protected. – Limit exposure to EMF in your home – Just turn WIFI on while you are using it and turn it off while you […]

Planting seeds of greatness with the power of words

Babies start life with a blank page of endless opportunities. We should all be selective about the words we write in a child’s book of life. Will we write words of encouragement, love and compassion? Or will we blanket the pages with hate, limitation, and resentment? Have you ever heard someone announce out loud that my son is a terrible […]

3 things to do if your ex girlfriend ignores you

She loved you, she called you constantly, you saw each other every day… and now, seemingly out of nowhere, your ex girlfriend seems like a complete stranger to you. She’s cold, she’s short, and no matter what you do, she just won’t give you the time of day. So what exactly happened? If this situation sounds familiar to you, you’re […]

Fibroids And Apple Cider Vinegar: Will It Work To Shrink Fibroids?

There is a lot of talk about fibroids and apple cider vinegar (ACV) and how ACV can help shrink fibroids naturally. ACV is one of the most commonly recommended natural remedies for many diseases and conditions. One reason it’s a common natural remedy is because it’s commonly available in most kitchens, is relatively inexpensive, and has few to no side […]

Nature’s Detox Diet: Follow a Whole Food Eating Plan

To live healthy people have to eat healthy. The two go hand in hand. While there are many healthy diets available, there are some that are much better than most. For those who are interested in following a truly healthy eating plan, the Whole Foods eating plan may be of interest to you. The Whole Foods eating plan is about […]