Plyometric Exercise Technique – Warm Up and Cool Down Session

Plyometrics basically consists of exercises that aim to improve the explosive response of an athlete. This type of exercise makes use of powerful and rapid muscle contractions. Muscles, as well as tendons, begin in a pre-stretch phase immediately before powerful contractions. By pre-stretching the tissues, the neuromuscular system is trained to activate the muscles at a higher rate. Consequently, the […]

What is the best diet to lose weight and fat?

We’ve all heard of those fad diets like the grapefruit diet or the apple diet. I’m here to tell you diets that work. All those diets are fad, crash, “stupid” diets. A real diet contains a combination of muscle-building protein, energy-filling carbohydrates, and heart-healthy fats. For weight loss, ketosis is the best diet and it is not a fad. On […]

Why do women gain weight after marriage?

The journey from a proud Miss Perfect 10 dressed in her wedding dress to a neglected Mrs. Fat Aunt is not really a long one. It only takes twelve months for the entire makeover. It is a proven fact that women gain weight after marriage, and the process is so fast that it becomes obvious to the people around you. […]

Building Muscle – How to Build Your Biceps in a Short Period of Time

Building muscle is hard work, but it also depends on the genetic makeup of the body. Some people seem to build muscle in a short time, while others need month after month to see any positive results. The biceps are perhaps the most widely used assessment tool in the hands of people to determine their training progress. Some exercises are […]

How cardiovascular exercise helps you lose weight

Some form of cardiovascular exercise is a must if you want to lose weight. These activities involve running, jumping and even dancing. In other words, any exercise that gets your heart pumping. Many people take aerobics classes for cardiovascular exercise. Aerobic exercises generally involve exercising to music in a coordinated manner, almost like dancing. Aerobic exercises became popular in the […]

Obey your diet plan

If you are overweight, you could be prone to social, emotional, and health problems. You must plan a strict diet to help you lose weight. Whether written by you or by a professional, a weight loss plan doesn’t have to be overly complex or overly demanding in tone. Instead of the plan sending you as an army commander, make him […]

Lose those kilos of the pandemic

This is really embarrassing. But I’m sure I’m not alone. Somehow I had the guts to get on the scale last month and find out that I had gained 23 pounds during the pandemic. Is this what they mean by middle-aged spread? I felt like a slug. Deep sigh. It was like that humorous poem, “When what should appear before […]

Hip, buttock and groin pain Sitting cross-legged

Walking is a great way to stay fit and active. Even if you are sedentary, you can take 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. But if you’re active, watch out. You can take more than 10,000 steps a day. So what happens when the sacroiliac joint doesn’t move freely and the hip joint moves excessively? Can you imagine the damage […]

Weight Loss Tips – Top 10

Top 10 Weight Loss Tips Losing weight and keeping it off is not difficult; all you need are a few changes and the motivation to get started. Not sure where to start? Take a look at these fantastic tips to lose weight easily… 1) Keep a food and exercise diary This is a great way to keep track of your […]

The Weight Loss Magic of Green Tea

In the quest to lose weight by people who may be on the fat side, it is necessary to combine some effective lifestyle practices to achieve the goal of weight loss. Routine daily exercise and a good diet plan are important keys to help shed those extra pounds. Anyone who has been actively looking for ways to lose weight must […]